“The New Zealand Thailand Business Association (NZTBA) is to be recognized as the go-to platform that connects business players, fosters synergies, and drives innovation. Through our dedication to maximizing business potential, we strive to create a sustainable business ecosystem that benefits our members and contributes to the overall economic development of both New Zealand and Thailand.”


Promoting Trade and
Business Matchmaking:

NZTBA strive to become the leading platform that connects businesses from New Zealand and Thailand, promoting trade and facilitating valuable partnerships and collaborations.

Fostering Knowledge
Exchange and Collaboration:

NZTBA functions as a platform for the exchange of knowledge, expertise, and the promotion of collaboration and networking, aiming to strengthen trading relationships and facilitate the transfer of information and technology.

Providing Business
Support Services:

NZTBA offers a variety of services to our members, including networking opportunities, start-up assistance, and guidance in navigating the local business landscape. We provide support in understanding the legal, financial, immigration, and tax requirements for market entry in both Thailand and New Zealand.


15th Aug 2023
We were honored by His Excellency Mr. Waravuth Pouapinya, the Ambassador of Thailand, who officially inaugurated the New Zealand Thailand Business Association at the Royal Thai Embassy in Wellington, on the 15th of August